Leading Reform Summit 2024 - Bursary applications

This is a preview of the Leading Reform Summit 24 form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Bursary information

About bursaries

  • A bursary is a grant used by the Queensland Mental Health Commission (the Commission) to pay for an eligible individual to attend a specified event and costs associated with attending the event.
  • No payment will be made directly to a bursary recipient prior to the event occurring. 
  • The Commission’s approach to offering bursaries is outlined in its Bursary Policy (corporate standard 0027). Please read the policy before applying for a bursary.

Bursaries for the Leading Reform Summit will be considered to support people who:

  • have lived-living experience and/or other relevant members of the community (such as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander person, LGBTQIA+, culturally and linguistically diverse)
  • reside in regional, rural and remote areas of Queensland (more than 200km from Brisbane)
  • do not have access to other means to support their attendance at the Summit (e.g. employer support)
  • are not employed by organisations where that organisation could reasonably be expected to pay for their attendance and associated travel and accommodation costs.


The Queensland Mental Health Commission will give priority to eligible individuals who:

  1. are part of a relevant lived-living experience or community group or network;
  2. are willing and able to formally communicate and share experiences and learnings from attendance at the event with the Commission and others, e.g. written summary of learnings;
  3. will gain some individual/personal opportunity to develop their knowledge, skills and networks.
  4. are peer workers and/or in designated lived-living experience roles.

Expectations of bursary recipients

  • If you have been granted a bursary for an event but for any reason you are unable to attend or participate, you or someone acting on your behalf must advise the Commission as soon as possible by calling 1300 855 945 and/or emailing summit@qmhc.qld.gov.au.
  • You may need to provide evidence of the reason for your inability to attend or participate (e.g. a medical certificate or other relevant documentation).
  • Where there is unexplained or unsatisfactory explanation for your absence from the event, you will be ineligible for future bursaries offered by the Commission and may be required to return any bursary costs expended to the Commission.

Bursary recipient wellbeing

  • You must determine for yourself that attending the event is unlikely to be detrimental to you mental and/or physical health and wellbeing. This includes undertaking any associated travel, being away from home, or not undertaking your usual routines.
  • The Commission will only support bursaries for attendance at events that have appropriate support mechanisms in place.

Bursary contact

For any questions regarding Leading Reform Summit bursaries please reach out to summit@qmhc.qld.gov.au.